Reports and Policy Statements

Policy Statements approved by the Board of Directors

View Policy Statements from 2011 - 2021.

State Water Plans: Monographs from 17 States

Issued in 2018, AWRA presented this publication resulting from its third National Leadership Institute (NLI) Workshop for State Officials. State leaders gathered during a three-day period in 2017 (November 8-10), in a workshop designed specifically for state officials who have responsibility for developing their state water plans. Their professions were diverse and included engineers, planners, scientists, economists, and other disciplines. The resulting document captures monographs of 17 state water plans, all in various stages of development. Click here to download .

Proactive Flood and Drought Management, Vol. II

Released in 2016, this document describes examples of proactive flood and drought mitigation programs judged to have some success at reducing impacts of flooding or low-flow conditions. The cases highlight a range of institutional barriers, a diverse set of challenges, and a variety of technical approaches. The case studies describe ways in which each program is suited to its location; document institutional settings and local choices that produced each program; identify problems or limitations those localities needed to overcome; and identify factors that may inhibit replicating their success in other locations of the U.S.  Click here to download.

Proactive Flood and Drought Management, Vol. I

Published in 2013, this document describes case studies that include: background; information on the community or entity, as well as on the event that triggered a shift towards proactive management; a description of the specific management programs and measures taken on by the entity; the costs of various mitigations when available, as well as the financing tools and mechanisms used to cover those costs; quantifiable and/or additional benefits to society, economy, or the environment as a result of the management approach; next steps and future challenges; and references and associated resources. Click here to download.

Case Studies in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)

AWRA’s effort to advance and develop a better understanding of IWRM continues in this publication, released in 2012 and commissioned by the AWRA Policy Committee, explores how IWRM is guiding water management in the United States. Using three components to build knowledge of IWRM approaches, the document introduces concepts and principles of IWRM; presents seven case studies demonstrating efforts to practice IWRM in the United States to show how theory translates into on the ground implementation; and identifies the themes and lessons learned from the case studies. Click here to download.


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