Review JAWRA

Become a JAWRA Reviewer

Scientific journals like JAWRA cannot exist without dedicated scientists who volunteer their time to give careful, objective reviews to the work of others. We truly appreciate the work of our reviewers. We hope the topics below answer some of your questions about becoming a reviewer.

What's involved in reviewing a manuscript?

We will send you, via ScholarOne Manuscripts™, email asking about your availability to review a particular paper. If you agree, click on the link provided, and you will receive instructions to access the manuscript and related files in PDF and HTML format. You're expected to read the paper and answer a series of questions about it on our online review form. You're also free to make any other relevant comments. Typically, you're given a month for this review, and all communications are handled online through ScholarOne Manuscripts™. Authors are expected to address each reviewer's questions or concerns. Sometimes, the editors will return a revised manuscript to you to ensure your concerns are met.

How often will I be sent papers for review?

This varies greatly depending on the topic areas of current submittals. By making sure your user account lists your areas of expertise, you can help us identify when a paper comes in matching your skill set. You're always free to turn down an assignment if you're too busy at the moment. (Honestly, we'd prefer someone say they're too busy than to accept a manuscript and let it sit around!)

Will I be asked to evaluate issues outside my area of expertise?

Absolutely not! Although we ask you to list your areas of expertise when you volunteer, you should tell us if you do not feel qualified to review a particular paper. Because we're multidisciplinary, an associate editor may occasionally ask you to review only the part of a paper you are comfortable reviewing.

Are reviewers anonymous?

Yes! Reviewer assignments are known only to the editors processing the review documents. See our confidentiality rules.

Do I have to be a member of AWRA?

Well, ... actually, no. It's your expertise we're after. But we hope when you see the work AWRA is doing, you'll join!

Can I receive credit for my review?

Yes! Our reviewers now have the opportunity to opt-in to receive recognition for their review contributions at Publons allows you to track, verify, and showcase your review work and expertise without compromising anonymity. You can read more about the Publons service.

How do I sign up?

Glad you asked! Just go to our ScholarOne Manuscripts™ site and sign up. Authors who submit a paper are automatically added to our reviewer data base.

I signed up, so why am I not getting email from ScholarOne Manuscripts™?

If you are not receiving emails, it is likely your server is filtering our emails. To correct the problem, the intended recipient needs to contact their IT department. The IT department needs to "whitelist" the following server: ( Whitelisting our server marks it as a valid email sender.


If you actively engage in our community, your career and organization will benefit. We offer multiple opportunities for engagement via conferences, social media, webinars, committees and publications.

TEL • (540) 687-8390 | FAX • (540) 687-8395


The majority of images on our website were donated by Gary Whitton at